Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Payday loans

Being a student working part time I certainly know the difficulties of shortage of money.

You have to be very careful with the way you spend your money. But sometimes there are just the emergencies like spotting a a great sale or hopping on a taxi instead of a bus because you are late. Well at least, those were the two most common emergencies for me.

That is why I'm attracted to something called  payday cash advance - this is the first time I've heard of such a thing.

Apparently this is a loan that is given to bridge the gap between pay days when you just need the cash in an emergency. Of course you have to be responsible as the money is still your "future" money and overusing is just going to be BAD. However, if it's only to "bridge the gap" in case of emergencies then this is a good idea of using those payday cash advance. Of course you have to take in consideration the interest that is charged also.

Online, there are websites such as www.powerpaydayloan.com that will match you with lenders with as little fuss and muss as possible. Whatever it is, just be careful about using your "future" money.

Sandy at 12:21 PM


Banjir Banjir @ Petaling Street


It's been like this last week almost everyday.

I come out of my college and it rains like cats and dogs.

Even with an umbrella I get wet. Have to wade thru water while crossing the street.


Worst experienced is getting splashed by speeding cars. I hope your engines gets wet you get stuck in the middle of the flood.


Oh I love the rain but only if it's when I'm sleeping...


Sandy at 12:02 PM


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Shopping carts the easy way

Just last month I was given a group project from the college where I studied that involves a fictitious selling of handicrafts items using the internet. It was part of our course syllabus.

The difficult thing was that we are not studying computer programming and ar more into the marketing aspects of business. Luckily we had a person who as a geeky technical guy who did all the programming for us while we completed the manual task of producing the website content.

I wished I had found this website earlier. It's called Ashop Commerce which provides specially hosted shopping cart software. Even though our website was an imaginary one we would not have hesitated to pay for the convenience of having a ready made shopping card facility for our website as this was a major project with important credits. Why go thru the sweat and risk of building things from scratch when you have a a complete shopping card software solution for merchants to sell products online. I can see that the site is professional and we would have saved so much time in debugging and designing things.

Anyway, lesson learnt and we are taking note of this site when we build real e-commerce websites in future. No more time wasting with programming and more emphasis on marketing and promotion. That's how it should be anyway.

Bookmarking it here so that I can reference it in future.
AShop's ecommerce software.

Sandy at 5:03 PM


Heavy Rains in Petaling Street

It's been raining kinda heavy these couple of days and I could not help getting stuck in Petaling Street a couple of times. Wished I had an iPhone or some other internet device to keep me company while waiting for the rain to stop.

Well on this occasion I brought along my camera and took some pictures. At that'll keep me occupied for a while.

Now back at home I am posting these pictures up.

Sandy at 4:59 PM


Thursday, April 03, 2008

online Casino gambling is legal in malaysia (more or less)

Thanks to the two comments and further explanations from the tech guys in my class I finally conclude that gambling online in Malaysia is legal (somewhat) :)

Because you can fund your PayPal account via your credit card and most online casinos accept PayPal to start up an account. It's like prepaid credits. When funding your PayPal with credit card, there will be no records or indication in the credit card that the money is used for online casinos as PayPal will be the middle man.


This makes it hard for anyone to be caught but I think officially it may still be classified as illegal gambling. I remember seeing the TV News for crackdowns of Malaysians caught in online betting during the football fever. Still, I haven't heard of anyone arrested for playing poker online on his home computer :)


Sandy at 10:57 PM
