Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Shopping carts the easy way

Just last month I was given a group project from the college where I studied that involves a fictitious selling of handicrafts items using the internet. It was part of our course syllabus.

The difficult thing was that we are not studying computer programming and ar more into the marketing aspects of business. Luckily we had a person who as a geeky technical guy who did all the programming for us while we completed the manual task of producing the website content.

I wished I had found this website earlier. It's called Ashop Commerce which provides specially hosted shopping cart software. Even though our website was an imaginary one we would not have hesitated to pay for the convenience of having a ready made shopping card facility for our website as this was a major project with important credits. Why go thru the sweat and risk of building things from scratch when you have a a complete shopping card software solution for merchants to sell products online. I can see that the site is professional and we would have saved so much time in debugging and designing things.

Anyway, lesson learnt and we are taking note of this site when we build real e-commerce websites in future. No more time wasting with programming and more emphasis on marketing and promotion. That's how it should be anyway.

Bookmarking it here so that I can reference it in future.
AShop's ecommerce software.

Sandy at 5:03 PM



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